Wednesday, June 23, 2010

One Father and One Way

The world was already a prison and we made it more complicated by creating a maze inside it. A Jantar-Mantar, biggest in the Universe.
I believe all would agree that We all are sons or daughters of the one and only God, we all belong to him. He is our spiritual father. If Father and children are no longer together, the reason for that is "at some point of time, we're sinful" so He went away from us. And, everyone who comes to this earth is mortal. We have been given limited time (age) to wash our sins and return to the father. It is said that those who go back to the Father, they get everlasting life, they never return. Because the kingdom of God is beyond the realm of life and death. So, if we exist in this earth today, that means we were never with the father. Those who do not believe in re-birth, think once again - over & over again.
The generation which exists today have been circling around in this mortal world (life and death race), we just die and come back in the form of either human or animal or bird or insect or a tree or anything which is created by God (based on how we lived our last life). By saying this, i do not want to say there is no way to go back. We'll talk about it in some other posts (I still have to collect relevant verses from scriptures).
If we are not with our father, wherever we are (Earth or Hell or elsewhere) - I'll call it a prison, where i cannot meet or see or hear my spiritual father. In this prison, we are subject to the atrocities of age, environment, relations and death. There cannot be constant peace and happiness in this world.
But when He sent us to this earth, we got involved in the worldly pleasures. We can all can see the change we are bringing to the world (Huge towers, aeroplanes, computers, various machines, etc). We are eating away the natural resources every second of the day. God did not go way from us so that we can do wonders on the land. It was a punishment. In the book of Genesis, God said to Adam that "Now you will have to stretch your hands to pluck the fruit from the tree of life". By stretching He meant that we'll have to do some "labour". But coming to earth, We fell prey to the senses and the mind and we kept on drifting away from Him. But some of us did or do remember our relationship with the God. God is described as a source of light, sound and a supreme soul in all the religious books. He has no form, no name. He always sends his pure soul in the form of a human, who can talk to us at our level, who can show us the way back home and who can take care of us. And, i am not talking about "after-death" care. The path to God-realization has to be found when we are alive. There is no guarantee what will happen after-death.
From time to time, he sent Rama, Krishna, Jesus, Muhammed Pagamber, Guru Nanak, etc. to take care us. They assured then-existing people about God realization and showed them the way. They were sent to take care of their alloted souls only, not the entire-populatoin which existed at that point of time or those who will take birth in future. None of them ever proclaimed that, through them the entire world would be saved. They did their tasks and went back. They cannot help us today wherever they are. But we sill are worshiping those people and hope to get salvation through them. Do we think, His alive representatives do not exist today? Do we think, that our Father is so unkind that he no more wants to take care of good souls?
Neither of the representative every said that He/ She is a God. However, what they said is "We are the way, you must pass through us". Today, we cannot pass through Rama, Krishna or Jesus, they are one with God now. It only meant that we need a live person to show us/ guide us through the way to God. Since we do not find any more saint around us, within our religion and we have not seen God, so after they die we created idols of His representative and started worshipping them as God. This was never the intent of God or His representatives. He is formless. The negative power does not want us to pray the right way so it is involving us in all the ungodly things. And, we as of today are just following what it says. It makes us do all the ungodly things through our mind. Our mind is devil's advocate,it has made everything so convoluted, while some say it is leading us to development, most of us will realize some day that it is leading us to "Destruction".
We do not want to go beyond the walls, we have created within this prison. We care more about the walls than the humans. 24X7 we are involved in the maintenance of the walls. If someone tries to put a nail on the wall, we'll not hesitate to put a nail on one's head. Something like this, we did with Jesus, sikh gurus and there'll be many examples in the history. But, what are these walls made of? These walls are made of our religious beliefs.
If we believe in One Father, He only created one way to reach Him. He did not create separate way for Hindus, one for Christian, another for Muslims or any other for that matter. He did not create a shorter route for one region over other. He has no preference for any religion. Because it's not He who created religions, it's us. Since our mind always resorts to the easy way of doing things, we created a convenient way of reaching father by worshipping Him in idols and following some man-made rituals. It is not that easy, somebody said, the path to God is very strait and path to evil is broad. Following words resonate in my mind - "Ek aag ka dariya hai, aur doob ke jana hai".
We live in the Karma-bhumi today, in english we can translate it as "Land of actions". Although each one of us has come with a destiny but our action decides what our future would be. If we decide to do all good in the world, however bad our destiny is written - we can change it. This is the power of God, which He gave us when he sent us away. He's one kind father, who sent us away but kept the secret to return home inside us. Only the true representative, who has come from the father - can show us the way to get back to Him. Christ said "Those who seek, they shall find it".
Focus more on our actions and give some time to finding the true representative of God, who can show us the way back home. And, ask for his grace.


  1. A long one, Kapil.. but worth the reading. Indeed the purpose of Godliness is only peace, serenity and joy across the souls. I don't know much about re-incarnations but surely one must engage in the deeds which takes them closer to the Father. Like someone said - "there is only one way to reach God - do the good and tread on the path of goodness, spread the love and embrace the kindness, help the people and respect the humanity! Amen!

  2. Those are real true words vishal. Love, humbleness and meekness is path to God, for love is God.
