Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Where art thou?

“Where art thou?”! If some of you are not aware, as per the book of Genesis in the Old Testament this is the first question which God asked Adam (the first man) when he committed the FIRST sin. The sin was disobeying God’s commandment by plucking a fruit from the tree for the knowledge of good and bad. Do we ever wonder, why did God ask this question for He being omniscient and ubiquitous? He knew exactly where Adam and Eve were and what they did. He gave Adam the hint that by not keeping His commandment, you are at the place where even God is not able to see you. The soul became sinful. And, even a single sin is not acceptable in the kingdom of God so He threw the first man & the first lady out. Do we know how sinful we are today, if one sin was so enough to send Adam and Eve away then can we go ever back to the father?
In Bible you would find at various places God appeared to people/ prophets and had given them commandments, direction and guidance. But why did he stop appearing or talking to people now? Isn’t He the same kind God? He still is asking the same question but instead of one sin, our soul is laden with multitudes of sin. It’s buried under the bad karmas. It cannot hear the voice of God anymore.
How do we get back to the father? How do we find the fruit from tree of life? Can we be sinless when we are alive and be sure of going back to the father after we die? All these are questions, most of the world never try to work on. This is something all of us just leave at God’s disposal. We just hope that all our sins would be washed by the merciful lord after we die.
Do we ever think why he did not forgive Adam and Eve’s only sin? When soul is sinful, it’s not in His hand my friend. We all are applying our mind in achieving worldly milestones but very few are applying it in spiritual way. It’s very selfish of us if we leave everything to God. Bible says, Seek and you shall find it. Ask and it shall be given to you. Knock and the door shall be open. Are we seeking? Are we asking? Are we knocking? Are we putting in any efforts to realize God? Let’s find out the tree of life and be able to hear Father’s voice. Let’s all make a resolution to put in right efforts so that we regain our one-to-one relationship with the Father.


  1. Hmmm. Interesting and unusual start to your blogging. Didn't know you are such a spiritual guy.

    Look forward to reading your posts.

  2. Wonderful post Kapil... Talks volumes about your circumspective mind. Keep in up.

    Indeed, let us make a resolution and connect to the Father. Absolutely true that it is upon us to take those small steps.

  3. @Ramesh - Thank you, i truly started here to read interesting thoughts and gain insight into great minds. But this topic came after my discussion with a friend of mine here in Atlanta. And, i couldn't stop writing. People are just too religion specific in this part of the world and it is contrary to my upbringing - my parents raised me in a religion free environment.
    @ Vishal - Many thanks, you know what this mind is controlling us, it takes us every corner of the world in fraction of seconds and it does not let us go spritual for it is devil's advocate. But God has empowered us to take control over it. Let us pledge to give some time to our individual relationship with the God.
